Friday, December 17, 2010

Highland Council thinks the cuts and climate change impacts

The board has started to assess the positive and negative impacts to the environment to make huge cuts to its services.

In a report, said "Highland Council savings for 2010-11 and 2012-13 would be offered screening for climate change impacts. "

It has less to recycle bin collections could encourage more people. But the council said reducing its workforce could lead to other people with more travel. Climate change is systematically taken into account in decision making at Highland Council.

However, the municipality is an important task for execution in the assessment of positive and negative effects of the cut to several million pounds. Consultants Review Meeting on Thursday, plans, eliminating 300 jobs, close some public toilets and the reduction of street cleaning. The test report referred to climate change, the officials described some potential consequences of the reductions.

Empty containers are not allowed to encourage residents to recycle more or less waste in landfills. Buildings Council closed term could be used for less power. But officials said the move against any increase in travel should be compensated for your work in other positions, resulting in increased emissions of carbon dioxide.

With fewer employees may bring the rest of the trip for several activities that employees cover more personnel?

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